Understanding Hair Loss in the Perspective of Genetics & Conditional


The hair loss problem is interlinked with the hormonal secretion and body's response towards DHT (Di-Hydro Testosterone) that are termed as genetic baldness or Androgenic alopecia. The genetic baldness causes severe baldness that is rated on the NW-scale. The Norwood scale is categorized into 7 classes that state the extent of hair loss. The problem of baldness is a major devastating condition if the issue affected all over the scalp, except the back and sides of the head. The back and sides of the head are termed as the safest donor area that is resistant to the effect of DHT and never gets miniaturized. However, these area's hair roots are used for the restoration procedure that lasted forever.

The hair transplant in Delhi offers you the chance of getting the restoration services with top Surgeons and Doctors who have a top-notch position for giving the 100% aesthetic outcomes. So, if you are looking for the treatment plan, it is the best option to visit India to get the best plastic & cosmetic surgeries.

First of all, we need to understand that what are hair loss and what type of category they fall under! So, it is better to consult with your Doctor as they perform a scalp biopsy to know about the type of hair loss and their feasible treatment.

It is very common to experience 90-100 hair strands falling on the daily basis as it's a part of hair growth cycle. So, don't get bothered if you are finding around 100 hair strands while combing or showering. But, the problem is that when you find more than 100 hair strands daily as it is an alarming sign of genetic or conditional/temporary hair loss.

What's your type of losing hair is best identified by the initial consultation with your Doctor/Surgeon?

Hair loss caused by many factors that are both external & internal, including:

  • Genetic Hair loss, i.e., Androgenic alopecia occurs in both male & female
  • Autoimmune type of hair loss, such as spot baldness or Alopecia areata/Cicatricial alopecia
  • Stress causing Hair loss, i.e., Telogen effluvium
  • Psychological factor that causes pulling of own hair known as Trichotillomania
  • Medical condition such as Thyroid or hormonal imbalance

In this article, we are describing the types of Hair loss that can be segmented into following 5 categories are as follows:

  • Hereditary Baldness: The hereditary hair loss is caused by the over sensitivity of DHT that is a catalytic form of Testosterone hormone with the effect of 5-alpha-reductase plays a major role in hair loss. This hormonal influence is accelerated by some external factors like lack of nutritious food, smoking behavior, stress and lack of exercise, and chronic illness that triggers hair loss. It is better to consult with your hair Surgeon to get the true information regarding your loss and get the best possible treatment for the same.
  • Autoimmune caused hair loss: The spot baldness or alopecia areata is caused by the autoimmune disorder in which body's immune system fails to recognize their own cell subsequently, mistakenly attacks the cells, including hair roots and hair loss occurs perversely. In the case of spot baldness, there would be a lot of bald patches onto the scalp, including the safe donor zone that prohibit the option of restoration and patients are highly dependent on medications for treating the same.

· Telogen effluvium: The prolonged stress or disturbed emotional status causes the issue of Telogen effluvium that provoke hairs to enter into the Telogen stage very early, which affects overall hair growth cycle and hair loss occurs. It is a reversible condition of hair loss that are reactive and recovery is generally spontaneous occurs within 6 months. Usually, a background of pattern alopecia is present if it doesn't correct spontaneously.

· Trichotillomania: Some psychological condition causes an extreme state of hair loss, but in the problem of Trichotillomania, the patient tends to pull their own hair as a result severe hair loss occur that needs medication or restoration treatment to get back the original aesthetic appeal.

· Thyroid imbalance: Thyroid causing hair loss is more common in women that are hereditary as well. The thyroid caused hair loss is characterized by the severe hair thinning, especially from the crown or mid-crown area of the scalp. It needs medication, but the restoration procedure can also be performed in order to enhance the facial appeal.


On the whole, we can that the problem of hair loss is a major issue as it affects look and facial appearance and hair restoration procedure is performed in most of the cases as it sorts out the problem of baldness permanently.

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